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The Best of 2011

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 Topretirements eNewsletter
 December 28, 2011

In This Issue...

  • The Best Retirement Articles of 2011 
  • Most Popular City: Asheville, NC
  • Top Retirement States for 2011
  • Most Popular Forum Post of the Year

  • Picture above shows skyline near Asheville, North Carolina.
    As 2011 comes to a close it is always instructive to see what articles at Topretirements were read the most during the year.  Here is our top 10 list, along with those that generated the most reader Comments. The entire list is in the article, but here are short cuts to the top 5:
    The perennial #1 most popular retirement community on this site, year after year, is Asheville, NC. This growing city in western North Carolina has so much going for it. Read on to find out more.  
    Click on a state to see reviews of 801 great retirement towns, plus a list of 1,592 active adult communities. 
    Most Popular States for Retirement
    We were not too surprised that our Florida mini-retirement guide was read more often than that of the #2 place state, North Carolina. But we were surprised by the winning margin - more than 2 to 1. The 3 most popular state guides:
    Top Forum Post for 2011
    Special thanks to Scottp for starting this thread. His thoughtful responses to reader questions and comments propelled this Forum post to the #1 position for 2011. Thank you Scott (and all the other posters as well)!
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